Translate Multi Language

How to enable Multi-language?

  • Go to Settings->Settings->Main Settings tab.
  • Check the Multi-Language checkbox.
  • Select your default language.
  • Select all languages that you want to enable on your website using the multiple selections field.
  • Click on the Save Settings field.
  • Go to your directory front-end and click on the flags at the top to make sure everything works. Similarly, customers can now select an additional language by using these icons.

Mult Language Settings

How to add text in multi-language?

After enabling the Multi-Language setting, you will see a dropdown option with each multi-language field to translate text.

INPUT FIELD (title/slug/description etc.) TRANSLATIONS
If any field is not translated, the application will load the content from the modules (e.g. listings) table. This information will be shown in the default language field (language set under Settings->Settings->Main Settings tab). If the default language is set to French, then all the entered information will be displayed in the French input field only. The user has to enter information separately in the English input fields to view the title/slug etc.

Translate Text

How to import a new language?

  • Go to the Developer context and visit the Translate link.
  • Click the Import link in the upper right corner.
  • Select the language from the dropdown list.
  • Choose an option from the Import From
    GoClixy Servers: We have a copy of all languages translated using Google on our server. Use this option if you want to import a translated language. You can modify the translations as per your requirements.
    Local System: If you have exported the language in a zip file, click on the Local System to import the file. Use this option in case of migrations.
  • Click the Import button.

Import Language

How to add a new language?

Creating a new language means you will have to translate all of the text for GoCliy front-end, back-end, modules, etc. using the default English strings.

  • Go to Developer->Translate.
  • Choose Other... from the dropdown list, input the language name e.g. spanish and click the Select button.
    Note: The name of the language must be in lowercase letters without spaces or special characters.
  • Click the application_lang.php file and insert language text manually into each file.
  • Click the Save button
  • Do this for all language files.
    Translate Add Language

What is Easy Translate?

You can also translate language files manually using Google Translate.
Note: Google Translations are not fully correct, always verify the translated strings after translation. Some of the translated strings may have % s or % d in the files. Do not remove these words, remove the extra space betwen % and s/d.

  • Choose your language using the Translate To dropdown field.
  • Do the translation in two steps. Select application_lang.php and goclixy_lang.php files first as they are the biggest. Click the Translate button.
  • Choose the remaining files in the second step and click the Translate button. The translation is a slow process, wait until you see a success message on the screen.
    Note: Do not use this method if you already have translated files, this action will overwrite them.

Easy Translate

What are the Routes/Permalinks?

GoClixy provides a facility through which you can set your own text strings in the default URLs. There is a particular file where you can handle all these. The file is located at application/language/english/routes_lang.php. You can also modify it manually through the Admin panel via Developer->Translate->Routes/Permalinks tab.

For example, a category URL is displayed by default as follows:

http://YOUR DOMAIN NAME/category/business-professionals-services-2
  • To change the category string into French (categorie), click the Routes/Permalinks tab.
  • Search for the category field and replace it with categories.
  • Click the Save button.

Change Route String

This will change the URL to:

http://YOUR DOMAIN NAME/categorie/business-professionals-services-2

You can also change all routes to other languages with a single click. Select a language from the Translate To dropdown field and click the Translate button.

Routes Translations

How to Export a Language for backup/migration?

  • Go to the Export tab.
  • Select a language from the dropdown field.
  • Check both checkboxes Include Core and the Include Custom Modules for a full backup.
    Include Core: Take a backup of the core files only located inside the application/language folder.
    Include Custom Modules: Take a backup of the modules files only located inside the application/modules folder.

Export Language

Add/Change Existing Text

For example, to modify Postcode text to Zipcode, go to Developer->Translate. Chose language and click the Select button. Click application_lang.php file, search and replace Postcode with Zipcode and click the Save button.

Find & Replace Text

GoClixy has several modules and each of them has its own language file. Finding a file containing a specific text string is difficult sometimes, so we have added a feature called Find and Replace to simplify the search operation.
Let us find a text string e.g. policy-business-directory-script.

  • Select a language from the Search Language dropdown field.
  • Enter your text string in the Find Text input field.
  • Click the Find Only button to view the file and the key name.
  • If you want to replace the string, type a new string in the Replace Text field and click the Find & Replace button.

Find and Replace Text Strings

How to deal with language flags and other settings (e.g. RTL)?

GoClixy comes multilingual out of the box: there is one default language, and many more are available to download.

The "Settings->Languages" page manages the languages you will see in your back-end and your directory. The page displays the languages already installed on your directory website, along with some information: ISO code, language code, date format, RTL and status. You can enable or disable a language by clicking on the label below the "Status" column.

Settings Languages

If your language is not on the list, you can add a new one through the Add Language option.

Language Form

  • ISO (639-2): Enter the 3-letter ISO 639-2 code
  • Label: Enter the name in small letters without space and special characters. Used to switch languages.
  • Name: This is the text that will be displayed to front-end and back-end users: "French (Quebec)", for instance.
  • ISO (639-1): Enter the 2-letter ISO 639-1 code.
  • Locale: Set of parameters that defines the user's language, region, and any special variant preferences. The locale is used to set the default language based on the user location.
  • Date Format: The date format tied to your language. The letters used should be that of PHP's date().
  • Datetime Format: Same as the date format above, but including the hour-minute format.
  • RTL: Some languages are written from right to left, most notably those using Arabic script or the Hebrew alphabet.
  • Status: You may disable this language until you are ready to translate everything.

Once your language is saved and enabled, you can import its language pack.

Search not working in the translated language

By default, all language's alphabets are not allowed in the search and the title for security reasons. You must manually add them to the whitelist to allow the user to search in a language with specific characters.

Whitelist Characters

  • Go to Settings->Settings->Security tab.
  • Enter your language alphabets (without space and comma) in the Whitelist Characters field under the Content Protection legend. E.g. for German, enter äöüß in the field.
  • Click the Save button to save your settings.