Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Custom fields are Metaboxes that are used for input metadata that is associated with a business listing. When users add a new business listing in GoClixy, they will see these controls and can provide additional information (such as multiple contact person, foursquare url etc.) about their businesses.


To delete a custom field, simply check the box to the immediate left of the Name column and hit the Delete button.

To edit a custom field, click its name under the Name column as shown above. Fill the information and then click the Save button. 

For the purpose of this manual, we will add a new custom field named Linkedin URL.

The following instructions will demonstrate how to add this information to a listing using Custom Fields.

  • To create a new Custom Field, go to Tools->Custom Fields and click on Create Custom Fields on the top right corner.
  • The newly created field should now be assigned a Name, which in our case is the name of the Linkedin URL.
  • Select INPUT as Type .
  • Apply Validation Rules
  • Check Admin Only, Frontend, Status and click Save .

Default/Selected Value: Specifies a value that is automatically entered in a field when a new record is created.

Placeholder: The text that will be displayed in the control.

Max Length: Specifies the maximum length (in numbers) of a control.

Class: Width of the control.

Order: Field priority or position.

Admin Only: Only admin will be able to see this field.

Frontend: Users will also see this field during business registration.

Status: Set a field active or inactive.