
Permissions provide fine-grained control over what each role is allowed to do. You can add more permissions to your website. After adding permissions, you must code them manually to a function to restrict a function access. For instance, if you want to restrict currency update rates access to a specific role, you can add a permission like Currencies.Financial.Rates through Permissions module, this permission must be manually added to the update_rates function in the application/currencies/controllers/Financial.php file as follows:

public function update_rates() {

How to add a permission?

  • Visit Settings->Permissions->Create New Permissions link to add a new permission.
  • Give a name to your permission. E.g. Currencies.Financial.Rates, you can use any name, but a standard is recommended.
    • The first word before dot must be the name of the module.
    • The second word must be the name of the context. E.g. The currencies module is under the Financial menu/context, i.e. Financial is used in the example permission.
    • You can use any string as the third word. In the example permission, we are restricting update_rates access, i.e. we have used Rates as the third word.
  • Enter a description that describe your permission.
  • Select active from the Status dropdown field and click the Save & Exit button to save your permission.

How to assign a permission to a specific role?

  • Click the Permission Matrix tab in the upper right corner.
  • Search for your permission and check the checkbox under your role. For example, if you want to grant this permission to users in the Administrator group only, check the checkbox under the Administrator column.