
An invoice is a document that is issued by the site owner to the customer on purchase of a membership. An invoice shows the quantities and costs of services rendered.

Invoices can be generated only after the creation of an order. Admin cannot add an invoice manually without the Order ID.

To view all invoices, go to theĀ Financial menu and click the Invoices link.

To search an invoice, type Invoice ID/Order ID/Due Date/Date Paid in the search box and then click the Go button.


Different tabs are available to filter the results:

  • Pending: Invoices where payment is yet to be received.
  • Paid: Invoices where payment is received.
  • Canceled: Invoices canceled by the administrator or not paid by the customer.
  • Deleted: Invoices deleted by the administrator.


To edit an invoice, simply click the invoice number under the Invoice No column, change the information as described below and then click the Save button.

  • Invoice No: Invoice number will be filled and generated automatically. You can set the Invoice Prefix from Settings->Settings->Financial tab.
  • Order ID: Invoice generated in reference to which order number.
  • User: Name of the user for which this invoice is generated.
  • Due Date: Set the due date of an unpaid invoice. The invoice will be expired automatically if not paid by the user.
  • Date Paid: The date on which payment was received.
  • Next Invoice Date: Date when the next invoice will be generated.
  • First, Second and Third reminder: Remind a customer that he or she has not paid an invoice by sending three reminders at different dates. Reminders as email are sent to the customer. Change them as per your requirements. Set value to 0000-00-00 to disable a reminder.
  • Status: Status of the invoice.
  • Creation date: Date when the invoice was created.
  • Modified Date: Date when the invoice was last modified.
  • Invoices Form


  • Select invoice by marking the box to the immediate left of the Invoice No column and click the Delete button.
  • All the deleted invoices will be shown under Deleted Tab.
  • To restore an invoice, click the restoreĀ button under Deleted Tab.


  • To permanently delete an invoice, click the Purge button given under Deleted Tab
    Note: Please use this option carefully because the purged record cannot be restored.