
How to change Image Watermark?

  • Login to the Admin Panel and visit Content->Gallery->Settings.
  • Replace the watermark image with your logo image and click the Save button.

SMS Template DLT Platform

Profile Share (application/language/english/application_lang.php):

%s has shared a profile with you%s

OTP Registration (application/modules/users/language/english/users_lang.php):

OTP is %s for your registration at %s valid till %s.

SMS Testing (application/modules/sms_gateways/language/english/sms_gateways_lang.php):

Congratulations! Your SMS settings are working!

Note: The %s is a dynamic value, and it will be replaced automatically on message send.

How to Add Template ID to a Message?

SMS text is hardcoded in the language files. You must modify the language files for template id.

For instance, if you want to have a template id in the OTP message, edit the application/modules/users/language/english/users_lang.php file.

Search for the OTP message OTP is %s for your registration at %s valid till %s.

Add Template ID to the end of string like.

OTP is %s for your registration at %s valid till %s.###TEMPLATE ID###

Replace TEMPLATE ID with your OTP template ID.

You could also edit the language files through the Admin Panel via Developer->Translate.