How to start a matrimonial website easily and cost-effectively?

Posted By GoClixy On September 13, 2021 10:57 AM Hits: 1228

How to start a matrimonial website easily and cost-effectively?

Designing and developing a matrimonial website from scratch is a time-consuming job. It will also cost you more. Better still is to find some ready-to-use matrimonial scripts and modify them as per your requirements. It will be cheaper, and as your website and revenue grow, you can build one from scratch. Some solutions are already available on the market. Buy one and be online within the same day. Also, contact the developer to find out whether they are responsive or not. Look for the following factors before buying an online script/plugin:


Research a little bit before buying, go through their demo and match their features with your requirements. Login as a user and explore the feature. If they have a demonstration video, go through it. Login to the Admin Area and add demo profiles, castes and other options to see how the script works.


The script must be flexible; you must be able to add or modify fields easily without a developer's help. The design and colours must also be customizable. If any of the features is missing, you must be able to get it added by the script developer or by a third-party developer. It is always suggested that you hire the developer of the script. It may be costly sometimes, but it will save you both time and money in the end. I have seen people who want to get a script modified from a third party developer and pay higher than the cost of the script developer.

Revenue Generating

Ultimately, your goal is to generate revenue through your website. Check for the available revenue options like subscription plans, banner advertising, affiliates and others. Check their functionalities live by creating new subscription plans and adding profiles to them. 


The website must be secure. Some of the online platforms like Wordpress and Joomla have plugins but do not rely on them. Some of them are designed by hackers who use their plugins to enter into your website and grab the customer's sensitive data. Sometimes cheaper plugins and scripts cost more, better is to pay a little higher and grab one designed with security measures in mind.

SEO Optimized

It is easy to build a website but bringing traffic to a website is really a nightmare. Be careful with SEO tactics, the script or plugin must be fully SEO optimized. Go through Headings, Metas and Social Sharing tags to see the SEO implementation. 

Mobile App

The majority of matrimonial customers are mobile phone users; they do not own desktop computers or laptop computers. Having a web application for your matrimonial website is a must. Search for a script that has a ready-made mobile app. This will be cheaper. Do not fall for sneaky marketing tricks where a developer or company is providing you with both mobile and web applications at cheaper prices.


Last but not least, scripts are easy to buy but sometimes hard to use. Most of the time, you will need developer support. Check their support history and buy only if their response time is less than 48 hours or less. The developer having a good support history will be charging more than the available cheaper scripts, but it will be beneficial in the long run.

Instead of buying a white label script from a third party developer, buy one directly from the script developer or a company. Most of the third party developers cannot provide support for a script developed by other developers. It is hard to understand and modify their logic. They will also charge you higher as they are intermediator, you will get a $100 script/plugin in $200 or higher and without any support. No one want to wait in the queue after payment, research it thoroughly and buy one from a genuine developer.

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